Under King Jesus There Is A Daughter of Royalty

There are so many levels to earthly royalty, the line to the throne is endless. I watched a documentary recently that explained the royal lineage and how a particular father of a young lady dissuaded her from marrying the love of her life because the suitor was outside of the royal family. Their matrimony would therefore result in her inability to be queen. Even though she was 364th in the line to queen-ship, he still felt her chances were too high to jeopardize with such a decision. Having a royal status is a serious matter, it determines your behavior, attitude, and the one you marry and connect your life with as well. The same is true for our line to the holy throne - it determines our behavior, attitudes, and those we are connected to in life. However, the line to Heavenly royalty is much shorter than 364th for any one of us. In fact, at this very moment you are taking up space in the heavens just as you are reading these words (Ephesians 2: 3-7).

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You are royal, a daughter to King Jesus, the Highest King to ever walk this earth. As a consequence of our belief in Him, "together with Christ Jesus He also raised us up and seated us in the heavens..." Eph. 2:6. You don't have to wait your turn.

I want to take this time to encourage any curl who may feel that her life is spoken for, and her spot in line is too far off for God to rightly crown her. Do not believe the lies that come to blind you to your rightful seat. Your Savior is high and lifted up and His train brushes atop your head, laying on you the title of princess. Wherever you walk, dwell, lay, or stand, you are clothed in gold.

Sit In It:

“In her chamber, the royal daughter is all glorious, her clothing embroidered with gold.” Psalm 45:13

She sits in confidence

She sits in the renewal of her trust in Him

She sits in her beauty

She sits in having a Father

She sits in the assembly of believers

She sits in having a heart for others

She sits in prosperity for Kingdom’s sake

She sits in generational lineage

She sits in the King's palace - heaven

It's your Father's table, you are welcomed, you are urged, and you are supposed to be here.

You may not see yourself with such prestige, but God does and His outlook is never wrong. Lift up your head, Curlfriend, it is a new day and you are permitted to live royally, but not pretentiously. Take your seat AND "humble yourself, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you at the proper time..." 1 Peter 5:6. Listen closely to God's assignment so that you do not overstep or undercut anyone else as you become accustomed to your place. Know this, Godly power and righteousness are not handed down lightly, they are carefully appointed to those who show themselves approved...and they can be taken back, if misused. So, as you are a believer and a daughter under King Jesus, in order to have authority in that title you must show yourself deserving.

Curl check: How have you reigned in your royal title? Confidently? Joyously? Appreciatively? With purity? Do you operate with power under control - meekness? Do you seek God's face with decisions and relationships? Are you taking care of His Kingdom? Do you care for your Temple? Are you a keeper of His greatest commandment to love Him with every living part of you, while loving and treating your neighboring Kingdom sibling as you love and treat yourself?

It is important to know thyself, and to check thyself as well. You fully and correctly walk in royalty by first knowing who you are, and by acknowledging Who has appointed your royal title. Sit in your seat. Remind yourself daily. Ward off lies that state otherwise. Then, work in your title .

Work In It:

You will sit under a King your entire life, it is time now to work as such: keeping His commandments of love, justice, and discipleship. Royalty is not given simply for the important regard and appearance of togetherness. It is a working responsibility. We keep the King's palace in order. We speak for Him while He's away. We make certain that all who work with us for Him, do so dutifully. When He returns to gather His Kingdom, He should find it holy and worthy of His presence. He entrusted us with the title of daughter in order "to present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and blameless" Eph. 5:27.

Curl check:

How often do you check yourself and those around you to ensure the Kingdom is rightly represented and operating as a palace of peace? What is your particular work? Have you discovered your role as a Daughter?

1. Pray

2. Get quiet

3. Move in the ways that excite you

4. Allow God to change your chambers (what you do and where you do it)

5. Pray again

6. Give time, energy, money, and space (all are replenished - the more you use, the more you receive)

Bonus Reminder:

"Tell Daughter Zion, "Look your King is coming to you, gentle, and mounted on a donkey, even a colt, the foal of a beast of burden." Matthew 21:5

Tell/Make Known - I am here to make known the fact that you are a child of a King that is coming back for you.

Daughter/Reflection - a female child, a chosen offspring mirroring the gentle, strong, and powerful nature of her Father.

Zion/Belonging - name given to Jerusalem, city under the Messiah's rule. Jerusalem belonged to the Messiah.

King/Ruler - a revered man, named to bring peace and safety to His people.

Donkey/Peace - ride of choice of the king during times of peace, a sign of humble service to the people.

Colt/Mastery - an untrained, youthful, male donkey; Jesus illustrating His miraculous mastery and taming of nature.

"Matthew could hardly make the presentation of the royalty of Jesus more explicit." Stanley D. Toussaint in Behold The King, p. 238.

You see Daughter, your King couldn't hide His royal status any more than you should turn away from yours. Even with the origins of His human life and though hH did not look like nor behave as the expected Messiah, Jesus’s royalty was ever-known to those willing to see it. I, today, bring a reminder to you that you are a reflection of God. You belong and are called to live life in His palace of peace. You will master all that comes against you, and ascertain all the riches that await you.

Under King Jesus there is a Daughter of Royalty. That Daughter is you! You have all the power, all the tools, all the grace, and all the love of God to stand in your royal title until HIs return.

Smile, Shine, & Love, Curlfriends!

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I love you, Curls!


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