Twirl with me for a bit…

Hi Curlfriends, I'm Erica... 

I am purposed to promote and provide HEALING FOR CHRISTIAN WOMEN.

As a Jesus-loving blogger and professionally-trained dancer, I believe the importance of my spotlight, and all of our spotlights, is to show how God uses the real and raw offstage struggles of life for His glory.

Dancing Curl is where I hope to contribute to the healing of us all by sharing my continued life transformation from mourning to dancing - one full of passion, purity, and promise.

I’ve twirled around America in multiple dance productions and alone in my room with God is where I’ve found the satisfying, everlasting euphoria I sought on the stage.


There’s a lot behind how I got to this place in life - a dissertation’s worth of information. To give you a snippet, let’s talk about the polychromatic picture at the top of this page. There's a very special reason behind my choosing it. On top of it being a beautiful snapshot of twirling-in-action, it also centers on the idea of dancing in and through all circumstances.

The recorded video, from which this photo was captured, took place during my very first trip “alone.” I traveled to Europe in 2017 and really discovered my Best Friend there. I was walking cobblestone streets with strangers, with absolutely no clear tangible form of security. There was no one around the corner, or in the adjacent room, or down the street, or even in the next city that could protect me. I absolutely was in dangerous situations more than I care to count…so many stories to tell. I had to find joy in fear and in relying on one Person to have my back, guide me when I was lost, and love me when I was lonely.

Bonus: If you look very closely at that video you can see the moment that my foot gets tangled in the sheets which causes me to fall (that's not surprising at all)...and if you keep looking, you see what was the greatest lesson of this entire trip: the second right after I fell, when I rise back up and give a huge Cheshire cat smile to the camera. Even if I fall, even when I'm lost, even though I may be alone, I have my Best Friend to laugh with me and remind me to greet every circumstance with joy. I had many falls in Europe, in dance, in my life, but I’ve learned to bask in having security I couldn't see and God's inaudible laughter that I could only feel. 


The Dancing Curl blog is grounded in these ideas:

  • Spotlight Christ

  • Showcase vulnerability

  • Support Curlfriends

  • Bonus reminder: One moment of your life has the potential to reveal deep lessons that lead to your greater soul healing

So, let's dance under the loving hand of our Father, exemplified by our Savior, and led by the Holy Spirit.

Use the Curlfriend Contact button below and tell me a twirl about yourself.