A Readied Army: How to Prepare For Your New Territory

As we get closer to the end of the year, almost everyone begins to create individual mantras, vision boards, and personal goals. We reflect on the accomplishments of this year and think up a New Year's Resolution, recommit to an already established task, or prepare to wipe the slate clean and make known our allegiance to "new year, new me."

This planning is encouraging and exciting for most because it sets us up to walk into another 365 days with a goal. There are even some who aim to cut off dead weight, whether it be their hair, their body fat, their job, their relationships, or their living arrangements, all in the commitment to outgrowing and moving past people, places, and things that have proven to weigh them down. As you begin whatever ritual you decide or none at all, I want to encourage you to make certain one thing is in place as you make ready for the battles of 2020.

DRAFT #1: Establish A Troop

There are so many benefits and necessary qualities to a close and vulnerable relationship: honest love, non-judgmental and genuine care, common beliefs, celebrations, and shoulders for leaning. Those are amazing, but as believers in Christ, they are all second to one thing: the ability to take on spiritual warfare. If the closest people to you will not/cannot/are not able to suit up against Satan, in any capacity, they are NOT equipped to be in your army. This is not to say that we cannot have relationships simply based in lightheartedness, for good times, and joyous occasions. However, when the fire is turned up and your faith is in question, when you’ve decided on a life change, and you KNOW that the enemy will come against God’s will for you, you NEED serious soldiers in your corner. That is why it is so important to establish a troop before you begin any new quest in your life. You need a David, a Rahab, an Elijah, a Ruth, an Esther, a Peter, a Paul, etc. Newsflash: Satan under God's authority will attempt to test, tempt, steal from, confuse, destroy, and weaken you - the company you keep will play a huge role in your strength while in the fight. If you are hanging with rascals (1 Corinthians 15:33) but desiring to be radical in Christ, you will have a hard time arriving at the gates of triumph. Don't believe me? Okay, let's get biblical...because I know you want some Word references:

1. "A wise man is strong, yes, a man of knowledge increases strength; for by wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety." Proverbs 24: 5-6

2. In Ezekiel 33: 1-12 the Lord appointed Ezekiel as a watchman over the House of Israel. He was to deliver God's messages to the people. He needed to be loyal to his post and appointed tasks: blowing the trumpet at the sight of danger, thus saving their lives.

Like Ezekiel, we are called to be watchmen one to another: "I have made a watchman for the House of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from My mouth, you shall give them warning from Me" (v. 7).

3. Speaking about Proverbs 24: 13 & 14, M. L. Malbrim says "Wisdom has immediate sweetness of honey, but also the additional characteristic of a pleasure that last for eternity." If we surround ourselves with wise counsel now, we will see immediate and eternal reward. The character of your circle matters in regard to your everlasting life.

4. "A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiates 4:12

5. 2 Samuel 17: 1-23 is a great example of friends (2 Samuel 16:16-18) who divert danger away from you, especially in your absence. Hushai listened to Ahithophel and Absalom's ill intent to destroy King David and rerouted the threat while also reporting back a way of escape to the King. These are the types of people we are to arm ourselves with in life. When they hear talk that demeans our character, observe secret conversations hidden behind smiling faces, and plans to attack and thwart our progress, they should behave as an advocate against Satan and any person inside and outside of our presence.

6. "Like a muddied spring or polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way for the wicked" Proverbs 25: 26. Do not pollute the 'clean water' of a righteous walk with evil people.

7. "A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:17

What your closest acquaintances bring to war is just as important as what you’ve brought; be certain that you have people dressed to kill not in name brand designs but with prayer, Truth on their lips, a pure heart, a holy indignation, and feet for running from evil, not towards it. You may be wondering how to know who’s able to wrestle against evil with you. Here it is:


1. You don't…initially. In order to have anything revealed to us about our company, we must first be deep in prayer. So take inventory of the people in your life, be in constant prayer over them and ask God to reveal those who can run this race with you. Ask to see them through spiritual eyes. Plead with God to introduce new people where needed in your army, and remove what currently presents more danger than safety.

2. Don't fight conviction. Spiritual eyes are opened by our personal desire for righteousness. It is absolute judgement if we look at the caliber of our company without first working on and strengthening ourselves under God’s mighty hand (Matthew 7:5). The closer we get to God, the greater our vision becomes, and then we begin to see people truthfully. We can spot the real soldiers! We see who has army potential and will be present for admonishment, encouragement, aiding in defeating anything that comes against the knowledge of God, holding captive toxic thoughts, and offering support in our obedience to Christ (2 Cor. 9: 3-6), because those qualities are also present in ourselves. Our friends are not required to carry a limb and weak body to war, they are to be led by an able-bodied woman of virtue. Make certain you are putting on your Godly armor every day (Ephesians 6:14-18), the same as you expect from your platoon.

3. You too want to look into their history of Godly victories. How have they fought for their purity and righteousness in the past? Have they shown up for hardships or cowered away in fear? Were they like David, striking out against any lion or bear that threatened their flock (or task)? 1 Samuel 17:34-37

DRAFT #2: God Weans to The Right Number

We as humans look at the outward appearance of people, that is why God has to have ultimate control over the draft in and cut out process of army candidates. The Father sees all and will not allow anyone in our army (spiritual-fighting space) who is ill-equipped to support and fight with us for our goals. God will examine our lives for a loyal platoon. A gooooood army! One specifically handpicked and strategically placed for the victories you desire.

As with Gideon and his men (Judges 7), once you believe you’ve established your army members, God may remove those not needed or particularly not ready for the battle up ahead.

“Whoever is fearful and afraid, let him turn and depart at once from Mount Gilead” (v. 3)

He may also remove those who have been with you a while and show all signs of being a good comrade but are simply excessive to your journey now, distracting from Him receiving all the glory for the victory.

“The people who are with you are too many for Me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel claim glory for itself against Me, saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.” (v. 2).

He doesn’t need a multitude of people to win over new territories in your life, just a few solid and secure women willing to work together.

God will test those you choose in order to inspect their hearts, methods, and motives.

“Bring them down to the water and I will test them for you there. Then it will be, that of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall go with you,’ the same shall go with you; and of whomever I say to you, ‘This one shall not go with you,’ the same shall not go” (v. 4)

Allow God this work because He will ready your troop for all He has in store for you. It may be difficult, but do not fight Him on demotions. He knows what's needed in your life. The success of 2020 and the years to come depends of our right mind, corrected spirit, and readied army. In order to attack anything set before us with vigor and tenacity, we would do well to move with people whose aim is to walk boldly after God's heart and holy will.

Curl Check:

So, while you're creating mantras and eliminating dead weight, ask yourself this: do I have an army in place? Do I have people in my life that will account for my progress, align my actions with the Father, assert their wise voice, hold me together in my weakness, and act at the time of battle? Are these people I'm able to offer the same support to as well? An army is not only important, it is paramount, and at times the closest we can get to putting on the full armor of God. Your team, your squad, your circle, your crew will make or break you. It is not entirely what you're going after that is important, but who you are going after it with that matters. If you do not have them in place or cannot see the people in your life praying, encouraging, correcting, and celebrating you towards spiritual and physical victory, you're not yet ready for the battles of 2020. There's a new territory up ahead, Curlfriend. Get your army together!

Smile, Shine, and Love!

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I love you, Curls!


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