Your Reality & The Bright Side: Keeping God First in Hard Times

The light is most bright when it's darkest out and it settles closest to the root of the issue.⁣ 💡🕯️☀️

⁣One night during the Texas snowstorm, I ventured out around sunset and saw this bare tree and at its base a path light was rooted - one that normally helped to guide the way of walkers. The walkway was now covered in inches snow though, but the light was still very bright.

In our visit from a northern winter right now, we've encountered snow-frozen streets and water pipes, plus the over-usage of our own resources (energy), leaving many without warmth, lights, or water. ⁣We are going through a time that is very different for us. It is cold, slippery, confusing, and did I mention cold? The reality is that it is not the worst for everyone, but it is some people's worse, and we are in a different weather forecast than most know what to do with. There are people displaced and in distress, others not affected at all as they’re situated near emergency buildings that require continued water and lights: hospitals, fire stations, and police departments. Some are heavily affected, finding themselves with no electricity or water for many days; some even experiencing foundational problems in their homes: busted pipes and leaking roofs. My family is on a scheduled rolling blackout that routinely shuts off the heat and lights every fifteen minutes for conservation purposes.


As Christians, the Bright Side is in us and never consumed by darkness. God is the Bright Side.

It is a dark and difficult time for most, but we aren't without help. As a result of our great need, assistance is on its way from another who will provide energy and light so we may keep going. This cold reality is not everlasting.

As a Christian it reminds me that we are to be in our present (sometimes overwhelming) moments, and still believe and expect the bright side…we must allow our current reality to reveal the encouraging truth most needed right now. ⁣

It’s important to keep my eyes on the reality so I stay alert: the cold situation, the dark and unknown, and the confusion of how we even got it. However, it’s even more important to partner my reality focus with focusing on the bright side - hope and optimism.

⁣During the day as we make it through each night, the sun provides brightness and hope. Everything is not as dismal as it appears in the night time.

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:22-24

New morning grace helps us keep our hope in Him.

My new morning grace:

I have a warm bed

I have family with me

I have a safe and insulated home

I am favored to be in the number of people in a rolling blackout - moments of reprieve.

One of the biggest bright sides of the moment is that because of our dire state help is required. We cannot save ourselves and energy systems are being called in from neighboring states. Our level of unpreparedness and over-usage of our own resources makes us the prime candidate for assistance. Help is available!

Curl Check:

Your desperate need will make room for assistance. Your inability to pull yourself out of the state you’re in allows room for Another to come as a rescuer. Are you acknowledging your ever-present help, realizing that God, the Bright Side, will come to you?

As Christians the Bright Side is 1) in us (John 14:15-17) and 2) never consumed by darkness (1 John 1:5). In cold moments, the Holy Spirit is with us as a Reminder of the brightness of the Savior. We are also surrounding each other not to just lament in the situation, but to encourage one another with friendship, love, and care. That’s why we must be here, physically and mentally, and still focus on the Light spiritually and emotionally (Ephesians 5:8-21). Live in these moments with one another but be encouraged that there is Light in all times. While going through your scary and uncertain moment, do not fall into darkness, but walk as children of Light (Ephesians 5:9).

Breaking Good News:

The coming help for the believer is Jesus Christ. No earthly event outweighs His victorious aid. Our present does not compare to the glory on its way (Romans 8:18). Eternity with God will brighten the darkness walked through here. The snow-covered path will be made clear and full of vegetation in perfect timing. We hope in darkness for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for rescue with patience (Lamentations 3:25-26; Romans 8:24-25).⁣


Curl Check:
Eternity will always out-deliver reality, and as believers the Brightness should find us rooted in two things: 1) identifying our great need and 2) staying close to our great Provider. Move toward the Bright side. We must move with humility and continued petition.

Be found, even in what may be a dismal and shadowed situation, rooted in faith, with an outlook of Brightness - understanding your reality while believing in the Light. ⁣

That bare tree I saw, I know the snow will soon melt to water, that water will provide nutrients to the roots, and those nutrients will result in growth and strength...⁣

So grow and learn from your difficult and unexpected snowstorms, knowing that in you they produce perseverance and a trust in the Light….and that Light will stay near you forever.

Smile, Shine, and Love, Curlfriends!

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I love you, Curls!


Where Are You Going, Curlfriend? (a daily Christian question)


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