Winding Her Waist: The Power of Faith in Action

I randomly took up hula hooping earlier this summer, after a curlfriend of mine used it as a remarkable metaphor for being flexible with God and living with Him, not solely for Him. I initially thought, "That's interesting. This will be an easy and fun activity to relax my muscles, open myself up to joy, and receive some Word of encouragement during this life change I'm walking in"

...not so much.

The journey was nothing like the bicycle analogy we use, because this childhood past-time did not come back without difficulty at first.

I was baffled at the fact that I was incapable of accomplishing something with such simplistic instructions: stand up straight, swing the hoop, and wind your waist. I kept exclaiming, "but I've done this before, I know I can do it."

Curl check: Has God given you simple instructions for your life that you're overcomplicating by your overthinking?

Then I thought about it, the last time I hula-hooped was definitely in my twenties, I had even gone to a fun workshop for it. So, why was I not catching on now? Was this particular hula hoop too big or too small for me? Were my legs too close? Too far apart? Was it the curvature of my back? Was my core too weak? Then it came to me again: this activity is supposed to be a metaphor for being flexible with God and I was still over-examining to find a problem. All I needed to do was put in the work.

Curl check: Do you create problems where simple practice is where you should be focused? Are you seeking advice, answers, and tutorials from anyone but the Source of knowledge?

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I eventually figured it out. I cannot tell you what technically changed, where my hips dipped correctly, how I engaged my abs at the right time, or what my head placement was, but I accomplished it when I stopped overthinking my abilities or inabilities.

Now I pick up my hula hoop and know that I can do it, and this is what God has spiritually taught me through my hula hooping experience:

I'm only as flexible as my mind is free from the thoughts that want to control me. This part of my journey has respectfully been labeled ‘winding her waist.’ At my waist is...My core. My gut. My intuition. My Comforter. The Holy Spirit.

I must choose to try. I need to step out in faith. I have to follow my gut. Faith is THE ACT of coming up against constant challenges, which means we have to be in constant motion (not constant activity, that's different). Faith doesn't wait to be fortified, it works through intellectual conversations (that's the motion) with the Holy Spirit to 1) right the mind, in order to 2) move the body.

I always believed that I had to wait (in paralyzed silence) on God's permission before moving on ANYTHING. With nail-biting timidity, I’d ask “Lord, have I been permitted in the Heavenlies to do this thing on earth?” I'm just now hearing Him and understanding when He says "I am within you so I'm always speaking, you need to listen up. Your decisions are my directives, and I guide your practice as you move. You may choose freely - I want to give you a chance at really knowing and obeying My voice at your core."

Curl check: I sincerely want you to realize how instrumental you are in your own progress, Curlfriends. What will you practice and ultimately give over to the Father to master? What pursuit in your life needs to come out of paralyzed silence? How are you going to wind your waist and practice flexibility with God - trusting Him all the way?

So, let's be Curlfriends who choose freedom, constantly conversing with the Holy Spirit and stepping out in purposed passion to know God's voice and obey His directives as we move.

Pick up your hula hoop and begin to wind your waist. Begin to move and allow yourself to be directed. Do not live in the fear you’ve masked in paralyzed silence, but become vocal in your life and in your faith and watch God lead you.

Smile, Shine, and Love!

If you feel led to share this blog post on social media, please use #CurlfriendswhoWind

I love you, Curls!


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