Kingdom Business: 3 Revelations for when you embark on God’s work

A partnership between passion and patience make up the Kingdom endeavors of any Christ-follower. Those who embark on a particular calling from God learn to balance excitement with caution, and drive with submission. There are so many practices that can take place when a Christian begins the “doing” of anything - because so much has to come alive in us and so much has to die as well.

I held and hold onto three practices, and they helped me tremendously in my most recent business endeavor: publishing and promoting my first children’s book. I want to share them with you as you may be taking steps in a new territory - journeying through your specific Kingdom business. Remember, God has begun a good work in you and He will continue to perfect it until Christ’s return (Philippians 1:6).

Alright, let’s dive in:

  1. Reverse your hands - A strong focus on physical or monetary prosperity may cause you to forfeit your mental peace and spiritual safety (Proverbs 18).

    1 Peter 5:10 (AMP) “Just as each one of you has received a special gift [a spiritual talent, an ability graciously given by God], employ it in serving one another as [is appropriate for] good stewards of God’s multi-faceted grace [faithfully using the diverse, varied gifts and abilities granted to Christians by God’s unmerited favor].”

    My version: question your intentions and employ your gifts as service, not gain.

    If you heed to God’s directions and precautions, submitting all you have into His hands, He will bless you exceeding abundance - much more than minds can conjure up and hearts can yearn after. Be careful, though, of the things you seek. Do they have eternal value in them? Some are products of favor and acceptable to most...⁣

    A better body⁣
    A beautiful home⁣
    Financial security
    Being well-liked
    Notoriety and popularity
    ⁣…but these things perish.

    Employ to serve and steward your grace with holy intentions.

    Honestly, we are all looking for results. We all want to see the fruits of our work…but “it is foolish to accumulate great quantities of goods because they are perishable.” - Dr. Thomas Constable.

    It is better for us, as a Kingdom business curls, to offer something that will not perish, so that we too are not dependent on perishables. Give a good that will outlast your lifetime, that positively affects generations…something that people can really take with them everywhere they go: knowledge/truth/revelation - and you too will receive these things.

    ”Let each one give [thoughtfully and with purpose] just as he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver [and delights in the one whose heart is in his gift].” 2 Corinthians 9:27 AMP

    The Lord LOVES an unrestricted giver - giver of time, energy, resources, testimony, strength, support, etc.

    Our hope should not be solely in worldly gain when we begin our Kingdom business, but in the souls (including our own) that will be enriched and healed because we've reversed our hands. Whichever endeavor you embark on - unique candle-making, online courses, or content creation - make sure that it is steeped in Truth and founded in serving others.

  2. Release expectations of your Nazareth - Alright, it gets a little tough for a little while, because you’ll likely have to walk alone for a bit. That’s okay! You’ve consulted God and accepted your assignment. Now, it’s time to journey out. In Modern culture it is said that some of your biggest supporters will be strangers. There’s an account of Jesus’ departure from the town of His youth (Nazareth) (Luke 4:16-30). This came at the townspeople’s rejection of His proclaimed divine assignment to both Jews and Gentiles (vv23-27), and His refusal in Spirit and Truth to be lessened by their disdain. There’s much to observe in this scene: Jesus went where He normally would on the Sabbath (faithful): the Synagogue (v16). Jesus did what He regularly would when there (practice): read the Word (v17). Jesus shifted the atmosphere, though, by declaring He fulfilled that Word, saying He was who the Father sent to serve and save all (vv21-27). The townspeople, those who knew Him in upbringing and daily life, were enraged and offended to the point of trying to kill Him (vv28-29). Why? Why were His words of grace met with violence? Was Jesus in deviance of Law? Did He present Himself higher than He ought?

    To them - Yes…

    I know, there’s a lot to unpack here. For now, let’s see how this scene relates to your Kingdom business.

    Well, curl, you must, and as early as possible, move through any hurt feelings you may have toward “your people,” due to their rejection of or disbelief in your divine assignment. There will be some from your youth, familial or loved one, that will respond with insincere hearts of outrage/disbelief/doubt towards God’s work in you. The beauty of understanding and accepting this is that you will then, like Jesus, be safely moved to your ‘Capernaum’ (v30), where divine relationships will intersect with your journey.

    Picture it: Jesus on the cliff of Nazareth, denial on one side and danger on the other, but He miraculously passes through the crowd of rejection to a place where ultimately believers (& disciples) will follow Him. I have a lot to say, because when I read and reread this scene, and it says that Jesus passed THROUGH the crowd…He did not jump the cliff, He did not scurry around, He did not attempt to persuade them, but He, in His sovereign control and divine protection, walked directly through them and continued on His way.

    Curl Check: When you loose your tie to the expectation of people you know, God will take it from denial and danger to support and acceptance. You must trust that He has connections prepared to propel His mission in you. Your Nazarenes know too much about you, maybe. They have seen more of your flawed humanity and limitations, or do not understand the assignment enough to align with your glorious, grande, and righteous work in the world. So, do not solely rely on the support and love of your Nazareth - the people who know you now - to help carry your calling out. Pass through that rejection because divine, new, and unexplainable connections are on the way.

  3. Reject the little god in you - It is EXTREMELY important that you are consecrating yourself in the Lord DAILY through prayer. Fasting (Isaiah 58), a requirement for staying alive while dying to self - helps us to remember and honor who we are called by more than who we are called to.

    Simply: fight the urge to people-please. Whether it’s they, the people, or me, the people.

    "42 When daybreak came, Jesus left [Simon Peter’s house] and went to a secluded place; and the crowds were searching for Him, and [they] came to Him and tried to keep Him from leaving them. 43 But He said, “I must preach [the good news of] the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because I was sent for this purpose.”

    44 So He continued preaching in the synagogues of Judea [the country of the Jews, including Galilee].” Luke 4:42-44

    Those in “Capernaum” and beyond - as you trek through your missions, gaining familiarity, and are supernaturally used by God - may want you to stay with them…dispensing knowledge as gems, saying things that feel and look “good” to them. Don’t sacrifice the goal for clout or comfort.

    In Numbers 22-24, Balaam was called by Balak, King of Moab, to curse the Israelites so that he could ultimately defeat them. Of course that was not in God's will. Nonetheless, Balak commissioned this magician because he knew "that those you bless are blessed and those you curse are cursed" (22:6b). King Balak knew that words could really give him a foot-up right now. However, Balaam followed God's commands through and through, he even broke it down to the king's messengers before going to visit King Balak: Look, I'm only going to tell you what the Lord tells me and nothing more.⁣

    So, when Balaam instead spoke the Lord's blessings over the Israelites not one time, but three separate times (aaaawkward) in Balak's face (booold) - 23:5-10; 23:13-26; 24:3-9, the king was infuriated. King Balak even fixed his mouth to say "I said I would reward you richly, but look, the Lord has denied you a reward." Say what now?! God denying rewards for righteousness and faithfulness? - NEVER. (Y'all have to read Numbers 22-24, Brotherman King Balak brought shame on himself with that one)

    I have to believe Balaam somehow knew something about Matthew 5:12: “⁣Be glad and exceedingly joyful, for your reward in heaven is great [absolutely inexhaustible]; for in this same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” AMP

    Curl Check:
    To reject the little god in ourselves, God will have us stand in the face of royalty, worldly promotion, intimidation, temptation, hundreds/thousands/millions of dollars, houses and cars, clout and good reputation to proclaim like Balaam, "I will say whatever the Lord says…" (22:18; 24:13). It can be very rewarding to say whatever the money says, the adoration says, the flesh says, the popular vote says, or the government says, but our answers MUST come from the Lord.⁣⁣ God doesn't desire for us to do anything “for Him” if we will then crumble to self-gratification or human desires.

    The result of right living with God - staying committed to your convictions, seeking His face in all that we do and are, being willing to sacrifice those things which are pleasing to the body for those things which are satisfying to the spirit - those are the peacekeepers. That's our Kingdom Business.⁣



“Once you surrender to process, promise is inevitable.” - Sara Stuckey, Actress

Curl Check:

One thing I had to accept early on in my Kingdom business was this mantra: You don't start finished; you don't launch completed. Perfectionism and self-judgement will cause action paralysis as you "get all your ducks in a row,” but nothing worth beginning ever starts finished, blemish-proof, or all-ways ready…AND when you launch out into the deep of your Kingdom assignment, you’ll realize how incomplete, weak, in need, and open for more correction/knowledge you really are. These are scary-good things, because they create a space for greater dependence on God. You have to ask, seek, knock, and do them repeatedly as questions, propositions, and obstacles come your way.

So keep these above three revelations in mind, but remember that as you begin/resume/continue this Kingdom work, your most important step is to just start. Commence the journey unknown, and God will lead the way.

Comment your Kingdom Business below and let’s support one another!

Shine, Smile, and Love!

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