Impress One, Inspire All

Healed Curls recognize whose opinion matters.

Governmentally known as Erica; I am many things:

A Jesus follower

A dancer

A writer

A teacher

These are just a few of my many spiraled curls - things I've noticed over my life that have begun to define my ways and walk. I work tremendously hard to constantly be these things and gift others my better parts, because I am my best when I am a giver. That's essentially what my blog is aiming to do as well...give pieces of myself to be looked over and hopefully become inspirational food for thought. I hope to create an uplifting and lighthearted atmosphere where we may be open and meaningful for one another. I pray we continue to discover all that we can do with the curls we've been given in this life in order to bless the Lord by loving one another. Let's challenge our thinking: how can we do better in our communities? What is our purpose, our destiny, our goals, our reason for being? These are the dances I'm choreographing in my head right now; they are the basis of ALL that I do.


After wrestling with what I wanted my definitive perception to be in the blogosphere, it came to me in the simplest of ways: I am here only to impress One and inspire many.

Step one: My absolutely FABULOUS hair journey. This and dance were the foundation for why I wanted to blog. They guide me in daily life and I have A LOT to say about both. Hair has defined a great deal of how I am perceived and how I self-identify. So my fellow dancing curls, I decided to cut it off...twice. What I've considered to be my self worth, as an African American woman, is long, glorious, healthy spiraling curls flowing through the trees of Eden. Bwaha! Can I be real? This hair is MINE, the only kind God gave me and I do not want to be confined by what it "should" be - either by others or even by myself. Hair is not as deep of a foothold as say unhealthy relationships, trauma from childhood abuse, body dysmorphia, or seeking praise from others, but idolizing it did work against the greater goal of my healing, of seeing myself as an image bearer and loved by the Father beyond my earthly story.

Curl check: what are you allowing to hold onto you because it's "right" or “inescapable”? Don't be afraid to challenge that thing into working for you. Attributes, accolades, and accomplishments nor trauma, your past, or personal shortcomings, should define who you are, but enhance your very being and purpose; they should bring you closer to God and His destiny for your life. That’s why I had to cut my hair off. I had spent so much of my life idolizing beautiful Black hair and the challenge it was to have it. For me, it was most beautiful when it was long, glorious, and tamable. I’ve learned the freedom of seeing myself outside of that reflection has also allowed me to see myself outside of the many other reflections I deemed beautiful, acceptable, perfect, and lovable. All of those definitions had to be cut off, and cutting off my hair, I reached above my self-identifiers as beautiful.

Step two: I remember writing step one - the cut off step - in June 2013 and backing away from my computer knowing full well I couldn't publish those words. Why? Because they weren't full of sweet, bubbly gumdrops. It's a challenging read, it forces us to reflect on what we've allowed to take precedence above God, and then it commands us to live loosed from its hold (Luke 13:11-13). I realized this blog is NOT just for or about me but for those seeking courage. I want to be a vessel that helps others find their voices and freedom in Jesus Christ. we go, continuing this dance. We are two steps in now.

I've recently begun to strip my life of inorganic and unnatural things: foods, home products, and body cleansers, remembering that my body is the Lord's appointed temple for my soul. I am responsible for it's well being. Plus for me, as a dancer, it's necessary to be in tip-top shape. Curls, it's been rough! I'm six month in and still waiting for "the change." When will it be different, or feel better, or easier???

The answer is it won't, not until I decide to feel better, be different and do it with ease. Again, another one of God's lessons...while on the journey of healthiness and seeking Him, of cutting off things that aren’t like Him or do not mirror Him, I noticed a great deal of manna falling from Heaven (Exodus 16:4)... As the Children of Israel were cut off from Egypt, a Godly rescue, they found themselves in places that were different, didn’t feel better, and definitely weren’t easy. It was a mindset challenge. I too am in unknown territory. In the beginning of my journey through this unknown territory, I was trying to blink and be in the Promise-land, a land of great skin, a toned body, healthy eating and abundance of energy. However, look at all that God is providing now, a self-esteem boost because I'm moving toward His will for my life. I HAD to find the beauty in me outside of my physical appearance. IT IS SO HARD SOME DAYS, but you must find the beauty in your life outside of its physical appearance. It is, again, a very challenging and self-evaluating dance. It is teaching me that I must enjoy the journey while I walk, and not miss the blessings falling right in front of my face. STOP SEARCHING and STAND STILL! Let God guide you. Oh, and while the manna is falling, find a bucket, catch some for others and make sure you’re giving those blessings away...say it with me "it's not all about me!" ;-D

Thank you so much for reading this twirl, I hope you are encouraged to evaluate of things you may need to cut from your life, whether it be physical, spiritual, emotional, or mental. Allow yourself to be open to escape the things you find inescapable and challenge the things that you see as right.

Smile, Shine, Love Curlfriends!

If you feel led to share this blog post on social media, please use #CurlfriendsWhoInspire

I love you, Curls! See you in the next twirl of thought!


Leaving the Masquerade: The Darkness of a “perfect Christian”


Who is Dancing Curl?