God’s Daughters On: Little gods

What does God's daughter do when challenged with the opportunity to live life for herself? She looks to Christ as her example, who aimed to not live for Himself even unto death.

My lovely and passionate mom, Tina VanHook, joins the Loosened Curl Podcast for a multi-layered and deeply pricking discussion on submission - the call to it, the world's pull from it, and why God deeply desires it for each of our lives.

“Can you work hard enough to replace Calvary?”

“Don't be consumed with the invisible trophies.”

“Make sure God is spotlighted in the moments of faultiness.”

“Pride is not always pompous, pride is sometimes staying in your lane of comfortability when God wants you to be bold in His name.”

“The thing that takes a little god to being a child of God is having that Word between us and life.”

“Do we sit at the table with demons as well as sit at the table with the Lord thinking that we are stronger than God.”

“If we don't get ourselves armored up in the ways that we need to Satan will send demons to armor us up in the ways that they want us to.”

“As Christians, we know that nothing belongs to us, not even our bodies.”

“A worldly, open-minded Christian is only open to more doors that welcome more demons.”

“Just because you can, does not mean you should.”

“The narrow path to righteousness can seem restrictive if you do not know the freedom that is found there. In God's boundaries there is freedom. In obedience there is freedom.”

“Submission [to God] will get you there...and it will be butter.”

“God is inside and outside the scene and as long as you're not trying to perform by yourself, and you’re heeding to the Holy Spirit and listening for God's direction, you will find that narrow path as free and not as a limitation to your godship.”

“We must kill our flesh, refusing to keep it on life support, because it's only self-seeking.”


Genesis 1:27 we are made in His image

Exodus 32 we cannot waffle and be two different people

2 Kings 13 Annihilate your flesh

Psalm 82:6 we know nothing and walk in darkness

Isaiah 37:16 God is God alone

Amos 6:1 Woe to complacency

Romans 7:13-25 When I want to do good…

1 Corinthians 10 permissible and beneficial acts

2 Corinthians 10 take everything captive to the obedience of Christ

Galatians 5:1 we are liberated to be free in Christ

Philippians 1:20-24 To live is Christ and to die is gain

How has the Lord loosed you from the godship of pride?


God's Daughters On: Fathers